You Don’t Owe Me a Thing
March 16th, 2010
Dr. Piazza,
I am a complete stranger to you! You don’t owe me a thing, but your obvious compassion for law enforcement, and apparent love for law-abiding citizens, gives you the drive to share your knowledge. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel like I am better prepared for a problem, even if I never meet you personally, just because you are sending me the emails. My wife lost her job, and I am too old to get one (69), so I can’t afford to come to Las Vegas and train. But keep up the good work. I just read the article about dry fire, and realized that I haven’t even done that lately. My wife and I will practice that this week; her with her gun, and me with mine.
Thanks again!
Harry M.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training.