Front Sight Mail Bag: Priceless Gun Training Reports
March 27th, 2010
Dear Dr. Piazza,
Your e-mail exchanges with me have been a welcome sight on my screen and the information in your training letters are priceless. I’ve set up a binder with the pages numbered to make it into a manual style for reference. My wife reads them all the time. We are both in our middle 70’s and slightly infirm (me on a walker and she recovering from two broken hips) like to shoot and do so at the police range near the space center are professonal pisoleers there that are ready and able to help you and show you the ropes for basic shooting. Your pistol manual is really good and we use it for reference all the time. We still haven’t recieved our permits to carry but we have had the formal training and certs. There is just no way we can meet the cost or make the trip out to the Vegas area to participate in your training which I’m sure is vigorous. I am green with envy when I remember going through the courses at Camp Pendelton, CA when I was in the SeaBees. They were Vigorous. Your offer is more than generous but we just cannot take advantage of it for obvious reasons and to do so would be taking advantage of you and your fine organization. Please keep the e-mails and instructional material coming as it is a sure help to me and my wife.
If ever you’re out this way swing in and say hello and have a cup of good coffee. Would love to meet you and shake your hand personally just for making me these offers.
Jim M.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training.