Ignatius Piazza: Gadsden Flying at Front Sight…
March 28th, 2010
Several hundred students are training at Front Sight as I write this blog.
One of the reasons why we train more students in a single weekend than most shooting schools train in a year is because at Front Sight we demonstrate on demand, what we teach and live every day, what we preach.
Two weeks ago, I asked you to help me and your fellow Front Sight subscribers grow in size and strength from 275,000 to tens of millions by forwarding and sharing my “Don’t Tread on Me” April 19 Mail Campaign to everyone you know and encouraging them to participate in a very simple, yet extremely powerful mail campaign that will send a strong, clear message to Washington, DC that the Silent Majority in this country are more than unhappy with the direction America is heading.
As I said, we demonstrate on demand, what we teach and live every day, what we preach. Here is a picture of the 5 foot by 8 foot Don’t Tread on Me flag we hoisted at Front Sight today. You can see our Tactical Tower in the background:
And here you will see a video filmed from a helicopter hovering over the tactical tower.
Please make sure that JavaScript is enabled and you have the latest version of the Flash Player to see this video.
So please do what your fellow Front Sight Subscribers are doing and spread this message to everyone you know. All you have to do to spread Front Sight’s Amazing “Don’t Tread on Me” campaign is forward this link: http://www.frontsight.com/Dont-Tread-On-Me.asp to everyone on your list and encourage them to join you in the April 19th mail campaign.
It is simple, easy, powerful and everyone can participate!
Plus, those who do will receive and amazing reward for their participation that I will unveil on April 20.
By the way, here is where I found my “Don’t Tread on Me” flag and other items. Click the banner below to get yours:
And here is the original blog post that started Front Sight’s “Don’t Tread on Me” April 19th Mail Campaign!
Original Blog Post:
When I started this blog, 100 Mondays ago, I didn’t think it would grow so fast. We now have over 275,000 subscribers who read my posts and forward them on to their family and friends.
Over 275,000 subscribers and growing is a number I want you to remember because collectively, with the power of the Internet, 275,000 subscribers can make history and in doing so influence a much needed and proper “change” in the direction our country is heading!
I’m serious and not only am I going to prove it to you, I am going to make it so simple for you be a part of making history through influencing a much needed and proper change in the direction of our country, and I’m going to reward you greatly for doing so!
Here is what I mean…
As you know, there are a number of organizations that have conducted marches and events to send a clear message to our government that the Silent Majority in this country are more than unhappy with the direction America is heading.
The discontent has no party lines. We are disillusioned with and distrustful of “politicians” in general and that includes Democrats and Republicans. Basically, we are damn tired of the Constitution and Bill of Rights being ignored, our freedoms trampled, and those we elect continuing to forget who they are supposed to serve… WE THE PEOPLE.
As you are well aware, the Tea Party Movement is holding numerous rallies in cities across the country through April 15th. The Second Amendment March on Washington, DC is happening on April 19. These are great events that will attract a significant amount of people attending, but there is no way that the “Silent Majority” will be properly represented because we cannot ALL attend.
But WE THE PEOPLE, the Silent Majority who are armed, understand our rights, and recognize that the current batch of elected servants in Washington, DC just don’t “get it” can send a clear and concise warning to the government that will make our Founding Fathers smile from above and send a cold chill down the spines of those failing to “…preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Here is how easy you can make history and influence a much needed and proper “change” in the direction of our country!
Step 1. Print out FIVE COPIES of the most descriptive flag in American history, the symbol Benjamin Franklin felt was the most appropriate for the revolution when he wrote, “She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. … she never wounds ’till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her.”
Click on Flag to Get Printable Version
Step 2. Fold one of the 8 1/2 x 11 inch flags and insert it into an envelope addressed the President of the United States. The President’s address is:
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Fold another and insert it into an envelope addressed to your Federal Representative. Fold another two flags and address them to each of your Senators in Washington, DC.
Click here to find the addresses of your Senators and Representative.
Place all four envelopes in the mail so they are postmarked MONDAY, APRIL 19th. Why April 19th? Because April 19th is the anniversary of the “Shot Heard Round the World.” On that day in 1775, our forefathers stood their ground against British tyranny in the Battle of Old North Bridge at Concord, Massachusetts.
Save the FIFTH FLAG for the reward I will give you after April 19th. That fifth flag will be worth thousands of dollars to you to show my thanks for your participation in sending a clear message to our government that the Silent Majority in this country will not tolerate the direction America is heading.
Step 3. Share this blog with your family and friends, everyone on your e-mail lists, and place it on all the chat rooms you frequent. Make this April 19th postmark “Don’t Tread on Me” mail campaign go viral throughout the Internet and OVERWHELM our elected officials in Washington, DC so they know, without a doubt, that the Silent Majority, who understand the Constitution — whether Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or undeclared are NOT TO BE TREAD UPON!
Remember I told you that I would prove to you that as one of the 275,000 subscribers to my blog, collectively, with the power of the Internet, you can make history and in doing so influence a much needed and proper “change” in the direction of our country!
Well here is the proof…
If you and my other subscribers follow all three steps and just ONE of the people you send this blog to does the same, and just ONE of the people they send this blog to does the same, and just ONE of the people they send this blog to does the same, and so on… by April 19th, TENS OF MILLIONS of “Don’t Tread on Me” letters will flood Washington, DC throughout the week of April 19th creating a thunderous “shot heard round the world” that the media and every elected official cannot ignore!
All it takes to make YOUR shot heard round the world is to follow the 3 simple steps above.
And remember to save the fifth flag you print out for the amazing reward I am going to give on April 20th to YOU and everyone who participates in the Monday, April 19th “Don’t Tread on Me” postal mail campaign. Believe me when I say it is worth thousands of dollars to you and will dwarf everything I have done as the “Millionaire Patriot” to date!
Follow the three simple steps above and get ready to fire your shot with your “Don’t Tread on Me” postal mail drop on Monday, April 19th, 2010.
Our Founding Fathers stood their ground against the greatest military machine of their time, sacrificing EVERYTHING to win our freedom. Let’s show Washington, DC that the blood of our forefathers is still pumping through the arteries of the Silent Majority and we are rattling a warning… Don’t Tread on US!
Follow the 3 Simple Steps above TODAY and get ready to fire your shot with tens of millions of your fellow patriots through the Monday, April 19th “Don’t Tread on Me” postal mail drop!
Thanks for your patriotism.
I post a different article on this blog each Monday so I look forward to your visit every week.
(If you are new to this blog and have not yet subscribed, click here for my free Gun Training Reports.)
If you have an interesting photo, story or tip about a relevant topic of interest to gun ownership, firearms training or Second Amendment issues, please feel free to send it to me at:
See you next week.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
P.O. Box 2619
Aptos, CA 95001
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,Front Sight,Gun Training,Monday Blog Posts,Newsletter,second amendment.