Front Sight Mail Bag: your desire and willingness to train and arm citizens is unbelievable
April 28th, 2010
Dr. Piazza,
First thing is I wish to commend you on your patriotism. You really are unique and actually put your name, reputation, and most importantly your wallet, where your mouth is and that is such a rare occurrence in today’s world. I look forward to your weekly blogs and all the great information on your website. I truly believe the testimony of all those who have attended your courses that your training is the best available. Your continued growth and your desire and willingness to train and arm citizens is unbelievable. Thanks again for everything you do and keep up the good work. I especially enjoyed this weeks blog that gives average citizens the opportunity to do something that can’t help but be noticed!
Troy B.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training.