Front Sight Mail Bag: Narcotics Cop with an Interesting Story
July 13th, 2010
In my younger years I worked street narcotics. In one instance we were making a “buy bust” and we were furnishing cover for an undercover State Police Narcotics Agent working a street- level dealer. Suddenly the deal went bad and the “bad guy” pulled a weapon and ordered the Agent to kneel down. The Agent followed his orders, and did so.
When the baddie cocked his revolver the Agent who was kneeling began to intentionally fall over. He was able to pull a Walther PPK in .380 loaded with the old Super Vel ammo and put seven rounds (7) into the bad guy.
We had to chase the wounded bad guy four (4) blocks and hit him in the head with a shotgun stock to finally take him into custody.
The hospital emergency room doctor removed allĀ of the rounds and release him to our county jail the same day.
I bought a Sig Sauer.45 A.C.P. the next day.
None of the rounds penetrated in to the body cavity of the bad guy. Later that year he was convicted of Attempted Murder of a Police Officer and the Attempted sale of a Prohibited Narcotic Substance (Black Tar Heroin) and sentenced to 45 years in Custody of the Department of Corrections. So much for minor calibers!
Leon D.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training.