Front Sight Will Fix the Problem…
January 15th, 2011
The following quote was forwarded to me without a reference, but it is so good, I want to pass it on so everyone can see the REAL problem of Guns in America…
Here is the very profound quote:
You read the papers, listen to the pundits, surf the net… you’d think that you couldn’t throw a dead cat without hitting somebody who’s packin’ heat in the USA.
The media will tell you that we’ve got SO MANY guns that we’re supplying Mexico’s drug cartel’s with our excess… yet last Saturday 19 people were shot at what I must assume was a well- attended event and NOBODY there had the means to protect THEMSELVES or their fellows. This in Constitutional Carry, pro-gun Arizona.
… but the fact remains that on Saturday morning, in the United States of America… the land of the free… the home of the right to Keep and Bear Arms… a wolf was able to walk into a crowd of sheeple and kill indiscriminately… without challenge… once again.
So what is the problem with Guns in America? Evidently, not enough guns and more importantly, not enough people– including our lawmakers and pundits–who understand the importance of carrying a concealed weapon and knowing how to expertly use it.
Well, Front Sight can solve that problem.
The people who bash guns and gun owners have simply not had the opportunity to personally experience a large population of responsible gun owners or to personally learn how to safely and expertly use a gun to defend themselves or their loved ones.
So to help all the politicians and pundits who do not know what they do not know regarding the Comfort of Skill at Arms, I will provide a FREE Two Day or Four Day Defensive Handgun Course to EVERY State and Federal Senator and Congressman as well as ANY political commentator from the major television networks, radio stations, or national newspapers so they no longer need to fear guns or fear responsible citizens with guns.
By the end of a Two Day or Four Day Defensive Handgun Course, any politician or pundit will have skills with a handgun that surpass the average law enforcement officer and will no longer fear a handgun in their own hands or the hands of any other responsible citizen.
Yes, Front Sight can deliver on this offer as we have the ability to train over 1,000 students per day on our 550 acre, world class training facility near Las Vegas, NV.
All a State or Federal Senator or Congressman needs to do is send us a letter on their official State or Federal Office letterhead requesting attendance in a Two Day or Four Day Defensive Handgun Course and we will mail them back an application to attend the course of their choice, on the date of their choice at no charge.
All a Political Commentator from a major television network, radio station or national newspaper needs to do is to send us a letter on their official letterhead requesting attendance in a Two Day or Four Day Defensive Handgun Course and we will mail them back an application to attend the course of their choice, on the date of their choice at no charge.
State or Federal Senators and Congressman as well as qualified Political Commentators can attend their chosen course at any time during our 2011 schedule of courses, but we will need to receive their letters requesting attendance by February 15, 2011.
We look forward to training the responsible people in our government and media so they can protect themselves and their loved ones with a handgun– and no longer need to live in fear of guns or gun owners.
Please spread this blog all over the Internet to get the word out. Please forward it to your government representatives and your favorite political pundits.
Front Sight is happy to lead the way to educate, train and help protect the leaders and voices of our country so they can KNOW the importance of guns in the hands of responsible citizens.
Front Sight stands ready, willing, and able to help.
For those who are not government officials or political pundits, but want the ability to protect themselves and their loved ones, please take advantage of my Greatest Course, Gun and Gear Offer and get a FREE Springfield Armory XD pistol, and all the gear you need when you attend our 5 Day, 30 State CCW Handgun Course. See the details at
I post a different article on this blog each Monday so I look forward to your visit every week.
If you have an interesting photo, story or tip about a relevant topic of interest to gun ownership, firearms training or Second Amendment issues, please feel free to send it to me at:
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
7975 Cameron Drive, #900
Windsor, CA 95492
Entry Filed under: Concealed Carry Training,Dr. Ignatius Piazza,Front Sight,Handgun Training,Monday Blog Posts,Newsletter,second amendment,Self Defense.