Front Sight’s Monday Blog: Dr. Piazza Endorses a Rival Trainer?
January 24th, 2011
I Have RARELY Done This and I Will Likely Never Do it Again.
I Am About to Give My Personal Endorsement to Another Trainer and Tell You that You are Absolutely Crazy Not to Take Advantage of An Amazing Opportunity He is Offering.
Here’s WHY…
Front Sight Firearms Training is the absolute best firearms training in the industry, bar none. We prove it weekend after weekend with thousands of students each month raving about their Front Sight Experience to all of their family and friends.
That’s great, but what do you do when faced with a lethal attack and you don’t have your gun?
Shame on you, for ever being without your gun, but hey, it can happen and you need to be able to incapacitate your opponent just as fast and just as down-and-dirty with your bare hands as if you had your trusted sidearm in your hand.
I know… that is why we offer our Empty Hand Defense and Edged Weapons Courses, but I also know that most of you have not yet taken these outstanding courses because you can barely find the time to travel to Front Sight for all the firearms courses we offer you.
Well, I’ll bet you never see me do it again because I am going to recommend that YOU and EVERYONE associated with Front Sight take advantage of an amazing offer to receive Tim Larkin’s (At Home) Target Focus Training DVD Package.
Here it is:
I mean it. I rarely ever endorse ANYONE, but I am endorsing Tim Larkin and his (At Home) Target Focus Training DVD Package because what Front Sight is to Firearms Training, Tim Larkin is to unarmed Self-Defense. No exaggeration. He is the real deal.
I’m as serious as a gun fight here.
EVERYBODY reading this e-mail should take advantage of what Tim Larkin is offering… EVERYBODY!
I speak from experience as I know Tim personally, have had him train my own Front Sight instructors, and I have ALL of his materials in my, at-home training library!
The fact that he has made his best package of at-home instructional DVD’s available for you is nothing short of astounding! Plus you won’t want to miss the amazing bonuses he is offering— at no charge— for the first people to respond!
Get it here:
(I actually told Tim he is foolish to do this because he is giving away all his best, most efficient training material for next to nothing… And after you receive his most deadly, easiest to learn and quickest incapacitation techniques on DVD’s to use and train with at home, there would be no reason for you to attend his live seminars, but he wouldn’t listen to me…)
Honestly, you probably couldn’t get into his courses anyway (without getting his special bonus offer) because he is spending much of his time these days overseas, training military and special operations forces in the techniques required to incapacitate an opponent with your bare hands in less than five seconds, no matter how much bigger or stronger he is than you and whether he has a weapon or not!
I’m not blowing smoke. Again, this is serious stuff.
EVERYONE, no matter what your age or physical condition can very quickly learn and use Tim Larkin’s Target
Focus Training techniques.
So here is your chance. Don’t blow it because I doubt Tim will ever do this again and you won’t ever see me endorsing another trainer to my list of subscribers.
Take advantage of Tim Larkin’s (At Home) Target Focus Training DVD Package by going here:
You will be glad you did and you will be as equally impressed with Tim Larkin as I am.
Again, I want YOU to take advantage of this offer and then share the DVD’s with your immediate family so they too can command their immediate environment even if they do not have their gun with them.
I post a different article on this blog each Monday so I look forward to your visit every week.
If you have an interesting photo, story or tip about a relevant topic of interest to gun ownership, firearms training or Second Amendment issues, please feel free to send it to me at:
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
7975 Cameron Drive, #900
Windsor, CA 95492
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,Front Sight,Monday Blog Posts.