Front Sight’s Monday Blog: Grandma and Grandpa Get Your Gun…
February 28th, 2011
In last week’s blog “The System Failed These Women,” I shared two videos with you demonstrating what happens when you do not have a gun and simply rely on the police to protect you.
This week I have two videos for you demonstrating what can happen to anyone, at any time, regardless of age, gender, or income.
Watch these two videos and then see my comments below…
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As you can see, being the victor or victim relies on one common factor–Having a gun and having the mindset to use it.
Just having a gun is really not enough. Being skilled with a gun is equally important. Both of these videos show what happens when you miss with your first shot. In these cases the criminals fled, but had the home invaders been a more dedicated breed of bad guy, the miss could have proved deadly for the homeowner.
So, HAVING A GUN and BEING TRAINED to use it to levels that exceed law enforcement and military standards is the answer to protecting yourself and your family against the criminal world.
Also, remember that you are only justified to use deadly force when you are in immediate danger of death or serious bodily injury. Shooting at someone as they are running or driving away from your home is not justified in most jurisdictions because when they flee, they are no longer posing a threat to you.
When you attend a course at Front Sight, we will teach you how to present your weapon from concealment and fire two, sighted shots to the center of mass of your target in 1.5 seconds. We will also teach when NOT to shoot.
I hope you also noted the common ploy the criminals used to size up their victims. In both of these cases, the criminals visited their intended victims under false pretenses and later came back to invade their homes.
If you want the mindset and skill at arms to protect yourself, your home and your family, then get a 30 State Concealed Weapons Permit, the world class training that Front Sight provides, and a Springfield Armory XD Pistol!
To get it all, take advantage of Front Sight’s Greatest Course, Gun and CCW Permit Offer Ever. (Also known as the Millionaire Patriot Offer.)
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I will be posting a different article on this blog each Monday so I look forward to your visit every week.
If you have an interesting photo, story or tip about a relevant topic of interest to gun ownership, firearms training or Second Amendment issues, please feel free to send it to me at:
Again, get your women armed and trained. Take advantage of the Greatest Course, Gun, and CCW Permit Offer in the firearms training industry see this link:
See you next week.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
7975 Cameron Drive, #900
Windsor, CA 95492
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,Front Sight,Gun Training,Handgun Training,Interviews,Monday Blog Posts,second amendment,Self Defense.