Front Sight Mail Bag: Sincere Thanks
April 13th, 2011
Dr. Piazza,
Thank you for the wonderful training, the color code of mental awareness, and the sincere mission you have to protect the Second Amendment.
I am so glad that my girl and I came out to Front Sight prior to my deployment. I have enough to deal with here without thinking about her safety at home. Her comfort in the skill at arms is fantastic, I am very proud of her, and proud to be a First Family Member.
I look forward to the Monday Blog, read them all with great interest and I know I’ll see you all next year.
Thank you, sir, I appreciate all that you’re doing to market your wonderful product, and your Instructors taught me some excellent life lessons, and that there’s more than one way to skin a cat.
I sincerely appreciate the professional environment, the tremendous work it is evident you’re putting in to the infrastructure, and maybe when I retire in 2014, I’ll get more time to come have fun.
Again, one of the most important parts of this deployment, one of the greatest things I did for myself and for her, was to buy a Front Sight membership. I can relax about what challenges she is facing, knowing that we have the training to face the unexpected, the mindset to avoid things to keep from having to pass condition Orange, and I just cannot sing your praises enough. She wasn’t happy that her life no longer includes Condition White (until I come home), but it was eye-opening and personally, welcomed.
Thank you for all that you do to protect our rights, arm the public with knowledge and the zeal with which you practice your craft.
Sincerely and very respectfully,
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,second amendment.