Front Sight Mail Bag: Handgun Course Critique
April 24th, 2011
To: Front Sight
Re: Handgun Course Critique
Dr. Piazza,
I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the training I recently received at a 4 day defensive handgun course. Our 3 instructors were exceptionally good at constructive feedback and encouragement without criticism. Having been an instructor myself for college and graduate level medical professionals, I am aware that being a good instructor is far more than just knowing how to do something yourself. They were all very good at giving step by step instruction, repeating instructions and demonstrating what they were attempting to describe. I appreciated that. I was especially impressed with their ability to diagnose errors based on the pattern of shots on the target. That helped me in understanding what to do and why and in teaching me to self evaluate for correctness and for errors.
Thanks much.
Dr. Rebecca
Course Date: Feb 28-3/3/11
Range #6
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training.