Front Sight Mail Bag: Trusted on Duty, Distrusted Off
September 13th, 2011
Dr. Piazza
Your Monday blog, coming the day after Sept 11th, hits home to me in a way that I find difficult to put into words.
As a veteran of the US Military and a trained CCW holder, I am saddened to tell you that not only do commands in the military deny the troops the right to self defense, they go beyond that. My fellow Police officers and I, that work on bases across these United States, are often stripped of these rights as well when traveling to and from work, because the command will not allow us to carry a POW or remain armed with our duty sidearm.
So we get up and go to work unarmed, only arming up while on duty, and then suddenly cannot be trusted again at the end of the day, so we turn in and go home unarmed.
This is the kind of insanity that still runs amok in the US.
Oh, and by the way, the brave civilian police officers that ended the Ft. Hood shooting received notice that they would be let go because of the current administrations budget.
Thanks for all you do.
Thomas W.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,second amendment,Self Defense.