Front Sight’s Monday Blog: What Would You Do If…
October 1st, 2012
I understand there are times when even the most dedicated, concealed carry permit holder may not have a gun. There are jurisdictions where obtaining a permit to carry a concealed weapon are extremely difficult. Airports, government buildings, “Gun Free Zones,” amusement parks, and businesses that post “No Weapons” signs add to your difficulty in legally carry a gun even when you have a permit to do so.
So what do you do when confronted with the type of violence seen in the video below and you do not have a gun? (or you have a gun but are not sure if you should use it?)
Watch the video to remind yourself that you must be prepared at any time and in any place to defend yourself, your family, or come to the aid of innocent people being brutalized. Then take advantage of my asking, pleading, begging, and finally arm twisting Tim Larkin to offer you his MOST COMPREHENSIVE, Target Focus Training At Home DVD package at an amazing price (plus he has some equally amazing bonuses)…
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Although you might want to haul out your permitted, concealed weapon to stop this attack, if you could avoid bringing a gun into this mess, and simply and immediately render the two attackers harmless with your bare hands, you would be much better off, and so would their victim.
So what would you do to accomplish it?
You must be prepared at any time and in any place to defend yourself, your family, or come to the aid of innocent people being brutalized, WHEN YOU DO NOT HAVE A GUN and EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE A GUN BUT THE SITUATION WOULD END MUCH BETTTER FOR ALL INVOLVED, IF YOU USE YOUR BARE HANDS.
I understand this so well that I went to bat for you by asking, pleading, begging, and finally arm twisting Tim Larkin to offer you his MOST COMPREHENSIVE, Target Focus Training At Home DVD package at an amazing price (plus he has some equally amazing bonuses)…
Hundreds have already jumped on and you should too! The testimonials are flying in.
I expected as much, but one testimonial caught my eye because it sums up WHY I recommended that EVERYONE associated with Front Sight take advantage of Tim Larkin’s (at home) Target Focus Training Self Defense DVD offer.
Here is what one old, fat, out of shape guy had to say..
Dr. Piazza,
I want to report an incident which took place in Rome.
We had toured the city on the open-top buses, and just enjoyed a glass of wine at an outdoor cafe near the bus terminal.
We were walking toward the taxi stand and I noticed a small group of ruffians lounging around the entrance to the subway. As we walked along two of them left the group and began to follow us and close the distance. When one of them reached into my back pocket I grabbed him by the neck, rotated through and bounced him off the wall of a building. I put him on the ground and ascertained that he had nothing of mine in his hands. I looked around for his companion and discovered that he had run off. (My significant other was holding her walking stick ready to strike at either of them).
Now let me describe myself… I am 57 years old, 5′ 11″ and 330 pounds. I am in lousy physical shape, as I work behind a desk and eat too much and don’t get enough exercise.
My significant other is older than I am, and neither of us is likely to run away from a dangerous situation successfully.
How did I become an old, fat, out of shape killing machine? Well the old, fat, and out of shape part took years to perfect, but sometime in 2006 I became aware of Tim Larkin and Target Focus Training…
I was interested in the philosophy expressed on the TFT web-site.
Two things impressed me immediately.
The first was the concentration on function, not form. The objective is to cause a disabling injury to your opponent.
Second, the training is available to people of every size, gender and physical condition. The size or condition of the opponent is of secondary importance because the physiological reactions to the TFT strikes and kicks are involuntary.
If one learns to deliver a disabling injury and follows through, no opponent can prevent one’s successful self defense.
I ordered the DVD set and it arrived promptly.
Tim Larkin made the point that criminal violence doesn’t depend on skill or practice, but on inflicting injury on a victim. I watched the DVDs every night for a week and realized that this information was useful and of vital importance.
The sessions are well described, the instructions are clear, and the practice shown is illustrative and helpful. I learned a good deal from this abbreviated set of DVDs and was determined to get more TFT training.
When the sixteen disc course became available I immediately sent for it. It took me a couple of weeks of evening sessions to watch the whole series, which essentially condenses the three day live course into about 16 hours of instruction.
This set of DVDs is terrific!
The whole course is presented logically, with the sections on asocial violence, legal responsibility and post incident considerations thoroughly handled.
Each section on different types of injuries is concisely covered, and the demonstrations are just as real as when you are attending the class. No one is seriously injured, thanks to the quality of the instruction, but some of the instructors and mastery class members come away with bruises. You watch real people practicing the moves, being coached by first class instructors and learning to strike, rotate and follow through.
I have re-watched almost every one of those discs and find each time that I learn more and reinforce the training. The technical side is thoroughly and carefully explained and the time devoted to practice and coaching makes it clear how the training works and why it does.
I cannot endorse them highly enough, and would cheerfully buy them again at full price, which is remarkable for someone as frugal as myself.
I like to travel and to walk around the various cities we visit both in the U.S. and abroad. In the past I have been apprehensive in various neighborhoods and wondered how I would react if we were confronted by bad guys.
I regarded many younger larger and probably stronger individuals as threatening, especially in unfamiliar neighborhoods and unknown cultural situations.
I stayed aware, and tried to appear confident but I was uncertain what I would do if violence began.
With the benefit of the TFT training DVDs I know that, while anyone can be outnumbered (and TFT is excellent on dealing with multiple adversaries) I have the tools to protect myself and my significant other against an attacker.
Since viewing and reviewing the TFT DVDs I look at bad guys on the street as potential Targets, not as Threats. It is hard to convey in words how profound the transformation has been.
The TFT training DVD course is extremely thorough, dealing with everything from the nature of violence to the physics and physiology of inflicting injury to dealing with armed attackers and multiple adversaries.
I do not believe that anyone can watch the whole sixteen hours or so and not come away prepared to defend him or herself effectively from violence in our society.
I’m a great example of how anyone of any age or physical condition can learn how violence works, and how to counter it by causing injury to an opponent.
I can’t think of a better opportunity to learn how, than these TFT training DVD’s and want to thank you for bringing this information to the attention of your Front Sight students.
You are right, an unimaginable amount of freedom and self confidence is gained through knowing how to incapacitate a violent opponent within 5 seconds or less. Take it from me, you are also correct that everyone should own this amazing DVD collection!
John Rapinchuk
San Francisco
Do what John Rapinchuk did and gain a profound transformation in your ability to walk the streets in command and control, regardless of your age, size, or physical shape.
I recommend that YOU and EVERYONE associated with Front Sight take advantage of this amazing offer to receive Tim Larkin’s (At Home) Target Focus Training DVD Package.
I recommend that YOU and EVERYONE associated with Front Sight take advantage of this amazing offer to receive Tim Larkin’s (At Home) Target Focus Training DVD Package.
Here it is:
I mean it. I rarely ever endorse ANYONE, but I am endorsing Tim Larkin and his (At Home) Target Focus Training DVD Package because what Front Sight is to Firearms Training, Tim Larkin is to unarmed Self-Defense. No exaggeration. He is the real deal.
I’m as serious as a gun fight here.
EVERYBODY reading this e-mail should take advantage of what Tim Larkin is offering… EVERYBODY!
I speak from experience as I know Tim personally, have had him train my own Front Sight instructors, and I have ALL of his materials in my, at-home training library!
The fact that he has made his MOST COMPREHENSIVE, BEST PACKAGE EVER of at-home instructional DVD’s available for you is nothing short of astounding! Plus you won’t want to miss the amazing bonuses he is offering– at no charge– for the first people to respond!
Get it here:
(I actually told Tim he is foolish to do this because he is giving away all his best, most efficient training material for next to nothing… And after you receive his most deadly, easiest to learn and quickest incapacitation techniques on DVD’s to use and train with at home, there would be no reason for you to attend his live seminars, but he wouldn’t listen to me…)
Honestly, you probably couldn’t get into his courses anyway (without getting his special bonus offer) because he is spending much of his time these days overseas, training military and special operations forces in the techniques required to incapacitate an opponent with your bare hands in less than five seconds, no matter how much bigger or stronger he is than you and whether he has a weapon or not!
I’m not blowing smoke. Again, this is serious stuff.
EVERYONE, no matter what your age or physical condition can very quickly learn and use Tim Larkin’s Target Focus Training techniques.
So here is your chance. Don’t blow it because I doubt Tim will ever this most comprehensive package again and you won’t likely ever see me endorsing another trainer to my list of subscribers.
Take advantage of Tim Larkin’s (At Home) Target Focus Training DVD Package by going here:
You will be glad you did and you will be as equally impressed with Tim Larkin as I am.
Again, I want YOU to take advantage of this offer and then share the DVD’s with your immediate family so they too can command their immediate environment even if they do not have their gun with them.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
7975 Cameron Drive, #900
Windsor, CA 95492
Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,Front Sight,Gun Training,Monday Blog Posts,Newsletter,Self Defense.