What Americans are Doing for Self Defense
Recently, a very comprehensive analysis was put together showing what forms of response and self defense we Americans use when confronted with life-threatening criminal attacks. How extensive, and reliable, is this analysis? With 651,750 people surveyed, following actual attacks upon them, we can pretty much vouch for the validity of the results. In fact, this report was put together by the U.S. Justice Department covering nine consecutive years of criminal attacks. The report, Weapon Use and Violent Crime, was released in September, 2003.
Between 1993 and 2001, 60.5% of victims of violent crime reported taking some form of self protective action during the incident. 39.3% offered no resistance. 13.0% of victims tried to attack or threaten the offender. 2.1% used a weapon to defend themselves. And 0.7% used a firearm for defense.
Weapons Used by Criminal Attackers
The following percentages are based on the total violent crimes committed in the U.S. between 1993 and 2001.
- 66.0% No Weapon Used
- 26.0% Any Weapon Used
- 10.0% Firearm Used
- 8.0% Handgun Used
- 1.0% Other Gun Used
- 0.1% Unknown Firearm Type Used
- 6.0% Knife or Sharp Object Used
- 4.0% Blunt Object Used
- 14.0% Unspecified Weapon Used
Victim’s Response to Violent Crimes
Violent crimes are classified as murder, rape, sexual assault, assault and robbery of victims ages 12 and over.
- 39.3% Offered No Resistance
- 13.0% Used Physical Force Toward Offender
- 10.8% Attacked/Threatened Offender Without a Weapon
- 0.7% Attacked/Threatened Offender With a Gun
- 1.4% Attacked/Threatened Offender With Other Weapon
- 15.0% Resisted or Captured Offender
- 4.2% Scared or warned Off Offender
- 5.5% Persuaded or Appeased Offender
- 9.8% Escaped/Hid/Got Away From Offender
- 3.9% Got Help or Set Off Alarm
- 9.3% Miscellaneous Methods
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics report Guns and Crime issued in September 2002, about 83,000 crime victims per year used a firearm to defend themselves or their property. 75% of the victims who used a firearm for defense did so during a violent crime. 25% used a firearm during a theft, household burglary, or motor vehicle theft.
38% of the victims defending themselves with a firearm attacked the offender. 62% of those defending themselves with a firearm threatened the offender with the weapon.
20% of the victims defending themselves with a firearm suffered an injury. But of those who defended themselves with other types of weapons, or no weapon at all, 50% suffered injury.
In 65% of the cases where victims used firearms to defend themselves or their property, they were confronted by offenders who were either unarmed, or armed with weapons other than firearms. In 35% of these victimizations the offender also had a firearm.
Based on these recent statistics of the Justice Department, you stand a far better chance of saving your life when involved in a violent crime if you have a firearm for defense. In fact, your chances are 150% better that you will emerge without injury when using a firearm for defense.
In victimizations where the offender had a firearm, 16.6% of the time the offender would shoot at the victim. And 83.4% of the time the offender would not shoot. If you own a gun, now is the time to become proficient in its handling, safety and use. Don’t bet your life on that 83.4% happening to you.
Almost 40% of Americans are offering no resistance whatsoever to violent attackers to themselves and their families. If you are one of these undefended Americans now is the time to do something about it. Immediately get enrolled in a Front Sight course in firearms training, or edged weapons and empty hands defense. As tens-of-thousands will attest, there is no better training anywhere.
To find out more about Front Sight Resorts and our full scope of self defense and personal safety courses call 800-987-7719; email info@frontsight.com; or visit their web site at www.frontsight.com.