What the Second Amendment Means to Me
by Rebecca Stickley
What the Second Amendment means to me is the freedom to own a gun, to be able to shoot a gun, and to be able to defend myself. It is too bad that owning a gun and being trained to use a gun is looked down upon. If it wasn’t, the crime rate would go down drastically.
I believe that citizens should have full and easy access to firearms in order to protect themselves. Training should also be widely available for all citizens – young and old – to ensure the safe use of firearms. Together this will lead to less gun related injuries and deaths.
I don’t understand why the government is being small minded and making it harder for private citizens to own a gun, because criminals aren’t going to wait, get the permit and do all the proper paper work required. They are just going to get a gun off the black market.
Thus law abiding citizens are put at a disadvantage once again.
To me a Front Sight training course means that I would get the proper training to defend my self in a dangerous situation. It would probably help me with aim too. (Which I need a lot!)
When I see a handgun I think that it is a means of defending myself. That, in general just makes me feel a lot safer.
My Dad and brother have both had fantastic training at Front Sight. I am looking forward to my first opportunity!
Rebecca Stickley
Age 12