From YOU regarding Ft Hood Shootings
November 13th, 2009
Here are some more of your responses to our post about the Ft Hood Shootings …
Dr. Piazza,
We, the American Republic, are and have been for years, UNDER ATTACK by Radical Islamism. I am a 12 year veteran of the Army and the only people who can save our American Republic at this point, are our Armed Citizens.
The “politicians” (Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, Feinstein, and Boxer) have sold our republic out. It is too late, it is up to us now, the citizens.
Mark my words, we will all see more of these type incidents, where Radical Islamic terrorists strike at America from inside our country.
It is time for our citizens to WAKE UP and restore sovereignty to our nation.
Shawn N.
Dr. Piazza,
We, the American Republic, are and have been for years, UNDER ATTACK by Radical Islamism. I am a 12 year veteran of the Army and the only people who can save our American Republic at this point, are our Armed Citizens.
The “politicians” (Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, Feinstein, and Boxer) have sold our republic out. It is too late, it is up to us now, the citizens.
Mark my words, we will all see more of these type incidents, where Radical Islamic terrorists strike at America from inside our country.
It is time for our citizens to WAKE UP and restore sovereignty to our nation.
Shawn N.
Dr. Piazza,
I normally do not respond to your emails, but I enthusiastically read and appreciate EVERY ONE!
A true friend and former LEO co-worker is now stationed at Ft. Hood, after returning from a tour in Iraq. We, too, are dumb-founded by the “free-fire” zones at our military bases. What a load of SHIT!!!
As SOON as humanly possible, I will be attending a course (or 2!) at your outstanding facility, and I’m bringing my wife as well!
-Thomas D.
Dr. Piazza,
I share your outrage with the fact that our military cannot be armed while on U.S. military bases. You ask the question: “Who is the moronic bureaucrat that came up with the idea that our own military must be disarmed on military installations?” Among President Clinton’s first acts upon taking office in 1993 was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases. In March 1993, the Army imposed regulations forbidding military personnel from carrying their personal firearms and making it almost impossible for commanders to issue firearms to soldiers in the U.S. for personal protection. For the most part, only military police regularly carry firearms on base, and their presence is stretched thin by high demand for MPs in war zones.The president probably had the military disarmed because he was such a crappy president that he feared a coo! The only thing the government fears more than the armed citizen is the armed military!
Michael S.
Dr. Piazza,
As you probably know I e-mail you on a regular basis. But this time I truely have nothing to say or add to what you said. The only thing I can do is close this by telling you that you are truly the only hope this Republic has left.
Ron S.
Dr Piazza,
As always, awesome blog. Your thoughts are right on the money about this. I have never understood why our soliders are completely unarmed while they are in America. Thank you for being so strongly outspoken on our 2nd amendment rights. I can’t wait to get back out to your beautiful facility for more training.
Jon W.
Dr. Piazza
I get your newsletter and read them all. I think it is just fantastic, what you are doing to educate and train Americans!! At a time when so much of the public opinion and the media are so against anything guns. They cover the crap out of any shooting, and very seldom cover any of the good that comes from someone defending themselves. I just wanted you to know how I feel about what you are doing.
And again–GREAT JOB
Dale H.
Here are links to the original post, Ignatius Piazza: The Swiss and Israelis Must Think We’re Idiots. Also read your first wave of responses, and a few more of your responses – as you can see, they are overwhelmingly positive.
Of course, there were far more responses than we can easily post here. If you’d like to pipe in on the issue of disarmed military bases, the Citizen Soldier offer, or anything else, please contact Dr. Piazza directly at – to reach Dr. Ignatius Piazza directly.
Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training,second amendment,Self Defense.